Terraria mechanischer skeletron
Second mechanical boss: Skeletron Prime - Terraria - GameFAQs
Skeletron is a pre-Hardmode boss. It must be defeated prior to entering the Dungeon, and defeating it grants unlimited access to all Dungeon areas for all players. It also causes the Clothier NPC.Skeletron Prime - Official Terraria Wiki The Mechanical Skull is a consumable item that summons Skeletron Prime. It will summon Skeletron Prime anywhere in both pre-hard mode and hard mode worlds, but must be used at night time or it will not work.
Guide:Skeletron Prime strategies - Official Terraria Wiki Skeletron Prime is one of three Mechanical Bosses in Terraria's Hard Mode. This Guide to defeating him will focus on what you need to prepare, how to get the components for the mechanical skull to summon him at will, and what you'll get when you defeat Skeletron.
Guide:Skeletron strategies - Terraria Wiki Diamond Minecart Track. An alternative to high-maneuverability armor or accessories which can even work against Expert mode Skeletron is to craft a Minecart for the extra speed and build a large, diamond-shaped Minecart Track, such as one having in the middle on each side three Minecart Tracks with a Bumper on the outer end, and the inner end connects using a switch track to two diagonal.